Thursday, October 28, 2010


Hello people im Mexidip214, and yes this is my first time blogging.
Some of my favorite foods would be pizza, tamales : ), and other mexican food there are the best in my opinian and espacially cant live without my ramen noodles. my hobbies would be listeing to music espacially rock, cumbias, ect. Other thing that i like to do in my spare time is watching anime some favorite anime would beTrinity blood, Kobato and right now im reading mangas one is Naruto and Bleach(awsome). Im would be the 2nd oldest in my family. I got many friends at school and at my neighborhood they are the best. i really love taking risk becouse it fun for me even thought sometimes i regret doing something after i already done it but then i forget about it. Like when I went to SixFlag for the first time and rode the rollecoaster the titen (im not good at spelling, sorry)  and then im like i want to get off after the rollercoaster started moving I was scared but it was all worst it. I had a lot of fun and left home very tired. Well that how i am and i dont really care what people might think about me as long as im happy of who i am then im good.

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