Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rachel's Challenge!

    What is Rachel's Challenge and why is it important? Rachel's Challenge is popular in most school and it's still becoming more popular in all around the United States schools.Rachel's Challenge is a program that involve teachers, students of all ages and parents.That help bulling and violence in school stop and make schools a better educational place.Rachel's Challenge is important because it helps student become more mature in tolerance, stopping bullying, and positive actions that promote more respect, and showing more kindness toward other people.
    How to get involved?One way that the students can get involve in Rachel's Challenge is by making a banner at school.Let student sign the banner if they are ready to accept the challenge.To be able to change their ways and do the right thing.When the all the students sign the banner hang it up somewhere that everyone can see it.
 Other way a person can get involved in Rachel's Challenge by doing something that can influence someone in a good way.For example doing something good for your community by picking up any trash that people leave and can hurt the environment.Sometimes when other people see you and your friend doing something good.That can influence them to do the something and help out.They will start helping out in their communities as well.
   Another way that a person can get involved is by just doing something that inspires kindness and it may even  take some courage as well.Everyone can challenge themselves to do a chain reaction just like Rachel said.''I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same.People will never know how far a little kindness can go.''
Sources: http://www.rachelschallenge.org

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