Tuesday, November 16, 2010


 Is it healthy to forgive? In my opinion it is healthy not just to the person you forgiving but it is healthy for oneself. It can bring peace to your heart and soul. If you can't forgive that person that did bad to you then how can you expect someone to forgive you. Just like the bible say in Matthew 6:15: but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Not being able to forgive a person can sometime become a grudge. A grudge is not a good thing to have at all in your life. When a person as a grudge it can become something more and that person would what to do something bad that they may regret later.
  Why should we forgive? It is a simple reason why one should for give a person. My reason is because Jesus forgive our sin and still does. Colossians 3:13:"as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive." Pretty much just forgive that person even though is hard to do.Be side you will feel better once you do that and god will forgive you to. Ask your self if your not going to forgive then why should Jesus forgive you for your sins?


  1. Those are two great verses! And when you sit down and actually think about them they are very challenging. I'm glad you put them in your post. Not only will the post give readers something to think about, but the verses as well!
